Sunday, October 24, 2010

this week's plan: 10/25 - 10/31

I can NOT believe this is the last week in October!  I'm experiencing a strange mixture of emotions: sad, relieved and excited.  What's that all about?  This month has definitely been a busy one, and this week is bound to be busier.  I'm exhausted just thinking about it.  But, at least I have some yummy sustenance planned!

Mexican Monday: Indian Fry Bread with the works
Oriental Tuesday: tofu & veggie stir fry, with brown rice
Twisted Wednesday: french toast and scrambled eggs
Authentic Thursday: pizza stoup OR homemade veggie pizza
TGIFriday: veggie burgers with tater tots and banana-strawberry smoothies
Super Saturday: Halloween Party
Special Sunday: HALLOWEEN!!!  Plans in the works... will get back to you ;)

Upcoming recipes (maybe): Indian Fry Bread, French toast, banana-strawberry smoothie, and a continuation of the "how to cook/like tofu" series.  It is a pretty dang full week, though.  So forgive me if this week's recipes are MIA.  But, I will have some blog appropriate costumes to show you!  For those of you who already know, shhh.  *B


  1. I have never made indian fry bread for us. wow, i need to do that!

  2. I want the Indian Fry bread recipe! I am now craving Navajo Tacos!!! I'm thinkin' it's gotta go on my menu in the next week or two.
