Monday, January 05, 2015

feeling peppy about prepping

Hello world!  Long time no write, eh?  Don't expect too much, but I thought it was high time to get back to posting...  I've been (re)bitten by the prep bug, and so I figured what better place to share my food storage journey than right here in my little corner of the blogosphere!  For the next 13 weeks, I will be sharing my weekly meal plans, including their coordinating recipes and shopping lists.  The beauty of the 13 weeks (3 months) plan is that it can be repeated three more times for a total of 12 months (1 year).  Instead of coming up with 365 original dinner ideas, I've come up with about 90 meals.  Some are of my own creation, and then a good portion of them I've pulled from other resources and will be experimenting.  I hope to tweak recipes as I go along, so read through the comments for each recipe for updated storage friendly ingredients (frozen, canned and dehydrated options).

As a side note, if food storage is totally and completely overwhelming for you (as it is for me), then I suggest you start simple with your 72 hour food kit.  Make sure it's full of good, and as nutrient dense as possible, food that your family will actually eat.  And don't forget to rotate them every six months!  I'm partial to what we've come up with for our family's kit, but feel free to use it as a guide to get yours started.

And since I've come across some pretty fantastic resources that will further my developing food storage, I'd like to pass these sites on to your for your own perusing prepping pleasure:
Here's to being self reliant and better prepared!  Oh, and happy new year.  *B

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