Tuesday, May 10, 2011

why be dairy free

There are several reasons you might want to cut back on your dairy.  Maybe you're a nursing mother whose baby has a sensitive tummy.  Maybe you have an irritable child with dark under-eye circles.  Maybe you suffer from a consistent stuffy nose.  Maybe you just don't like the taste of milk...  Whatever your reason for avoiding dairy, just know you're not alone.  And please know that your life isn't over ;)

I can't even tell you the last time I bought a gallon of milk.  I noticed the stomach aches, the headaches, the coughing, the sneezing, etc.  My body was trying to tell me something.  So finally, I listened.  Yeah, I've tried Lactaid.  It doesn't work, for me.  So I simply stopped buying milk.  We use rice milk instead.  I prefer its mild taste and use it for just about everything (but pudding).  There's also almond milk, hemp milk, and soymilk.  Just FYI, I do not condone the regular use of soymilk...  I worry about the quality of soybeans used and I'm concerned with the estrogenic side effects.  But, that's just my personal opinion.  That's not to say I don't enjoy the occasional soy steamer from Starbucks, though!

If you want any more of my opinion, keep reading.  Just know that it is just that, my opinion.  In my opinion, milk sold in your general grocery store holds little to no nutrition, especially skim milk.  In my opinion, the only contribution milk has is its fat content.  But when that is removed, it's just a source of sugar.  I know what you're thinking... What about the protein?  The calcium?!  Here's the thing: commercially prepared/offered milk has been stripped of all its natural nutrition.  It goes through a rigorous process of decontamination.  Those nutrients were boiled to death.  Later, they were added back in.  And don't even get me started on homogonization.  What I'm saying is that since most of your commercially prepared foods are also enriched with calcium (including rice milk), you're not necessarily missing much by skipping milk.  Calcium is also found in several fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes.  Basically, if you eat a well-balanced diet you not only get calcium, but you also get other vital nutrients, and fiber.  The same thing can be said for protein.

Rant over :)  My entire family is dairy sensitive.  So we I watch what we eat.  I'm the mean mom who only lets my kid have chocolate milk once a week.  However, we do buy yogurt and cheese.  When eaten in small amounts, it doesn't seem to bother us as much.  I think it might have something to do with the (beneficial) bacteria that makes it easier on our tummies...  But I still try to limit our consumption of dairy to once a day.  If we're having pizza for dinner, then I don't serve yogurt for breakfast.  If I could get my hands on some raw, whole milk, I would gladly use it.  But I can't, so I don't.  If you're concerned with losing weight, cut the cheese (sorry, I couldn't help myself).  And the milk.  And eat yogurt sparingly.  Regardless, eat lots of OTHER foods.  Drink lots of water.  And if you're desperate for your morning cereal, remember that you have choices!  Experiment.  Give it a fair trial.  Then listen to your body.  How do you feel?  Better?  Then you have your answer.  *B


  1. We buy milk in quart quantities because that's the smallest denomination, but we only use a cup a week- and I only use it to add to eggs to fluff them when I scramble them. I think I might add milk if a recipe asks, but it's usually something like a tbsp. I should get into buying rice milk, but I'm afraid we'd waste all that, too. And does rice milk fluff eggs?

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Through research of my own I have decided to no longer make milk a requirement in our house. We barely ever drink milk any more. Now giving up cheese and ice cream though, is another thing all together.


  3. Believe it or not, water fluffs eggs!
