Monday, October 04, 2010

eat, drink, and be scary!

I interrupt this health-filled blog to post about something equally as important as nutrition:  Halloween!!!  Normal, candy-less, posts will resume in the next day or two...

In case you haven't guessed, I am OBSESSED with all things black & orange!  Shoot, I start planning next year's costumes the day after they're worn.  And this year, to help me with my infatuation, Lolly Jane has hooked me up (a few times) with some sahweet vinyl!  Let me just say, I'm brand-spankin'-new to the vinyl craze.  I mean, I've heard of it.  In fact, I used to design for Writing on the Wall, and you could find my boards in places like Poppy's and Orange Patch.  Anywhoo, I've never owned any.  Basically, I'm a vinyl virgin ;)  Lucky for me, the hotties behind Lolly Jane have kindly taken me by the hand and introduced me into this exciting new world.  My eyes have been opened.  Oh, the endless possibilities!  Be still my heart.

And so, without further ado, may I proudly introduce you to the love-child of my current crushes.  This here plate.  An orange plate.  A "scary" orange plate!  And because I am a proponent of eating and drinking (water!) and therefore highly recommend the use of plates (but not this one), I would like to give this tricked out dish to one of you.  So that you too may lovingly display your devotion to food, vinyl, and Halloween.

If you so choose, here's how to enter (one entry each):
  1. Be a taste-tester - follow the blogsy and {B}messy!
  2. Don't be a stranger - leave a comment, send an email, come and knock on my door...
  3. Spread the word - tweet, blog, facebook, etc.
  4. Share the love - Link up your fave Halloween tricks or treats.  Let's see those fab recipes/decorations!
Maybe, just maybe, no one will want this saucy saucer.  And then, I can keep it!  At very least, I'll give it to Kristi/Kelli.  You know, to say thanks.  And then, I'll let them twinners fight over it... *B


  1. Turned out super cute!

    We posted your giveaway on our blog. I'm sure the masses will be fighting over it, Miss Creative ;)

  2. Anonymous2:45 PM

    This is so cute! Halloween is my all time favorite holiday! :)

  3. That is so dang cute!! I have a Christmas plate and would love to add a Halloween one to the collection, thereby actually making the one plate into a collection haha, thanks for the giveaway!


    LOL Thanks for this awesome giveaway! Love your blog!

  5. Tweeted about this lovely giveaway! (aprilv2009)

  6. Cute dish. I love dishes.

  7. I am now a follower of you blog. The plate is so cute.

  8. The orange plate is awesome. I am new to your blog and looke forward to browsing your archives.

  9. if only i could come knock on your door. I'll be decorating tomorrow... you inspired me!

  10. YES! Love this. And I would love to add this to my Halloween decor!!! I'm a new follower, will post get the word out on facebook {via my craft} and will add to my blog list. Great stuff--and I'm a huge health nut so I love the recipes. :)

  11. I want it! Its SO perfect :) Love love love you! XOXO

  12. Looks like you made some new friends! I could find a place for that plate you know . . .

  13. I am a 'private' follower.

  14. That is so cute! Love it! I'm a follower of your blog now :)

  15. that is so cute.. i want it.. were your new followers

  16. So cute! Love the shine of the orange. :)

  17. Pick me! Pick me! know I have Not an ounce of craftiness in me. Make it a charity case. Or trade it for some photos????? :)

  18. I'm a follower!

  19. I blogged about you!

  20. I face-booked you :)

  21. Since I did your hair yesterday and we are planning a play date, I think you should just give me the plate:) Ha Ha!

  22. I'm LOVING this!!! :)
