Tuesday, August 03, 2010

hello world!

I have a confession to make... forgive me if this sounds totally lame, or if I come off as being seriously egotistical, but I feel like my calling in life is to introduce people to healthy eating that tastes good.  To me, healthy is synonymous with tasty!  When you eat something, your body should say "Yum!" and "Thank you!" at the same time :)  I know this blog and I have an on/off again relationship, but believe me when I say that I really want to contribute to the betterment of peoples' lives through food.  Nutrition is my passion, something that excites me.  I know, I know, I sound like a broken record... but it's true!  Oh so true.  And, I have this nifty new challenge going on.  And part of that challenge is blogging!  Another part of that challenge, in not so many words, is being healthy.  My role in my family is not only that of wife or mother, it is the role of care-taker that I take equally serious.  I seek for guidance and search for ways to make my family healthy.  And to do that, I need to be healthy.  I find that when I am actively pursuing a healthy lifestyle, my life falls into place.  It's like the world takes on a "new" meaning, and I become a literal part of it.  It's a whole new level of self awareness.  It's beautiful.

So I blog.  For the betterment of myself, my family, and society as a whole.  Because good nutrition is something worth sharing.  It needs to be shared.  And so share I will!  *B

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